Our movement is empowered by the desire to see our city, and the world, come to know Jesus. We are looking for people who will join us in the mission of raising up leaders to help us change the world through spreading the name of Jesus to the ends of the Earth. Vertical Church believes deeply in the calling set before us in the Bible in Luke 14:23, "Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full." Listed below are a few of those leaders seeking to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We invite you to please help them get where they have been called to go!
Robin Broom
Two days before my 30th birthday, I finally quit running and surrendered my life to Jesus. Not one moment have I ever regretted that decision! God placed an ever-increasing love for Himself and nations deep within my soul. After being equipped at Christ for the Nations Institute and serving in many different nations, I moved to Uganda, Africa in 2014 and found home. It is my greatest joy to love and serve the beautiful people of Uganda – walking alongside them in everyday life. Jesus spent most of His days among the people, me too.
I am passionate about helping others cultivate their own intimate relationship with Jesus and growing to maturity in their faith. Whether it be a formal Bible study setting or sitting on a papyrus mat outside a home deep in the village, I love pointing others to Jesus. I take great pleasure in seeing others deepen their faith, love, and obedience to God. I enjoy doing life alongside the beautiful people of Uganda and growing together in the Lord through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, worship, outreach, etc.
The God-given vision for First Love – Love First Ministries was clear, and the ministry was established in 2022. Our motivation is raising a generation that knows God and loves Him so passionately that their answer will always be YES! No matter what He asks of them. We are well on our way …. to Him be the glory!
The Spaulding Family
Hi! We’re the Spauldings! We are a family of four; John, Hannah, Beau, and Sophia.
We (John and Hannah) met at a small Bible college in Jackson, MI in 2015. We graduated in 2017, got married, and then moved to John’s hometown, Blairsville, for several years. During that time, we had our kids, worked, and spent a lot of time ministering with our home church. We love to see God’s church grow; both in numbers and in maturity. We know that this is something that God loves as well; to have more people reconciled to Him and more of His children growing closer to Him.
As of now, we are aware of the reality that there are still thousands of people groups in the world that have yet to be engaged by the Church and learn what God is offering them through Christ. Knowing that, we have had the intention for several years to be involved in making Christ known among the least reached people of the world in terms of the gospel.
In the region of West Africa, there are roughly 200+ people groups who would be within this category of unengaged by the church. That means there is still work to be done by the church in West Africa. That’s where we plan on going. Our plan is to move to Dakar, Senegal in 2024, with the long-term goal of seeing the unengaged people of West Africa know Christ.
If you would like to know more or be involved… email us below.

Nicole Biando
My name is Nicole Biondo I have been a missionary with Overland Missions serving in
Northwest Zambia for three years. God called me to the mission field in 2018. I was in a difficult
place with my walk with the Lord when I told the Lord if he set me free I would go anywhere and
do anything for him. After a radical encounter with the Lord I was delivered from the bondage I
was in and I knew the Lord was asking me to go to the nations and set other people free. The
Lord gave me a burning desire to take the love of the Father to people groups who have not had
a chance to hear yet.
I have lived full time among the Lunda tribe in Mwinilunga, Zambia working in the villages. It has
been many years since the true gospel has been preached in Mwinilunga. The harvest among
the Lundas is ripe as they are hungry for a move of God. We are making disciples and raising
up and training indigenous leaders empowered with the gospel message. Our team
encompasses a variety of different ministries as the body of Christ. Among our team we have
several Bible studies, crusade outreaches, evangelism trips, ministry with tradition chiefs and
leadership, children’s ministry and youth ministry. Our vision is to create a sustainable and viral
move of God among the people.
My primary role is directing our discipleship training center. I oversee, train, and disciple our
local leaders through an eight month program equipping them and releasing them into ministry.
The students are trained in fifteen courses and participate in a variety of different ministries and
training throughout their time in the program. Last year we graduated thirteen students from the
Lunda tribe who are now running their own ministries throughout Mwinilunga. Our local leaders
are on fire for the gospel and are seeing their villages changed by the power of God. We are
seeing our Zambian disciples now making disciples. God is at work restoring, equipping, and
sending out disciples from the Lunda tribe.