The Greatest Rescue Mission Ever
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In this message, from our series Decisive Battles, Pastor Phil highlights the Raid at Cabanatuan, a daring rescue mission from the Second World War. Hearing a story like this can be exciting and inspiring… but when we look at our lives do they look like this? Are our lives a rescue mission? Jesus came on the greatest rescue mission of all time, to save us. Now it is our turn to go out and deliver life saving good news to the world. We pray this message would be a catalyst for you to make sure your life is a rescue mission for the kingdom of God.”While we can not save anyone, we can invite everyone.”Scripture: Luke 14John 6Romans 5:6-8To rewatch this or other messages go to our app or website:Website: https://www.verticalchurchblairsville…​App: Vertical Church OTM (Apple, Android, Roku, Apple TV)